
I'm Aksh.

A Developer.

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I am a student, Developer, open-source contributor, who loves to write and is a sports enthusiast. I like to listen to music and beatbox. And who doesn't like surfing the Internet and YouTube!?

I love to explore new stuff and constantly keep myself updated with the latest tech.

My Skills.


Python Programming

Python was the first Programming language I learned, and I instantly felt a connection to it (probably because of its simplicity, yet vast applications). I love developing cool stuff using Python. From web to console, I've built stuff in a lot of domains using Python. I love to delve deep into new and interesting modules and frameworks, and my journey keeps going on...
To look at some of my work, head to my GitHub page.



Developing webpages (like this one) is one of my hobbies. It really excites me, and makes me meet my creative side! Still in the process of learning new stuff in here. From building and using APIs, to web scraping, my experience with web is not just limited to design.



Even though I love to play many sports like Football, Badminton, but I've always shone the most in cricket, and it's always been close to my heart.

Get In Touch

Think we share interests?

Need help with a project?

If you fancy saying hello or need help in building a cool project you've been dreaming of, What are you waiting for!?

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